
Skinny Minis 2: An Easier Way to Mini

Created by Dungeon in a Box

Durable, beautiful, affordable minis. New art and tons of new freebies!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

XL Flying Dragon Mount, Pledge Manager Closing Date, Refunds, and New Art!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 10:51:53 PM

XL Flying Dragon Mount

The ultimate power move. Command respect from friends and foes from the back of an ancient red dragon. This new piece, which wasn't on the Kickstarter, is now available to pick as an Add-On in BackerKit!

If you have already picked your sets, you can still log back into the Pledge Manager to add this amazing new piece to your selection!

We're making the XL Dragon Mount available for Kickstarter pricing while the pledge manager remains open - so this is one hot deal. It will be available at full retail pricing after the Kickstarter fulfills in 2022. 

Pledge Manager Closes January 9th!

If you want to add the XL Dragon Mount, or make any other changes to your sets, you have until January 9th

On that date, the pledge manager will be closed, and all orders locked. Once we lock the Pledge Manager, you won't be able to make any more changes to your selections, so choose wisely!

If you have questions about how to select your sets or access the Pledge Manager, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Base, Binder, and Sheet Trade-in Update

We were able to finish the first two batches of base trade-ins last week (over 1400 of you!) and the first batch of binder + sheet trade-ins, so many of you should find some additional credit added to your orders.

For those of you who have received additional credit, please note that you will still see the free Starter Base Sets, Binders, and Sheets under pledge items (we can't remove them) on your order. Please ignore those, as we will remove that post-Pledge Manager.

If you're not seeing your credit added yet, never fear! We are running a third batch of base trade-ins along with the second batch of binder and sheet trade-ins this week. You should see that credit added to your account by this weekend.

Refunds Are Now Closed 

We have begun our production with our manufacturing partner - and as a result we have now closed refunds. That's a necessary decision we have to make, in order to keep production on track. Thank you for your understanding!

If you have questions about the refund policy, please contact us at [email protected] 

New Art!

Our artists have been hard at work, and we're excited to show you what they've come up with!

You might have already seen the Frost Giant Skeleton, Jabberwock, Nightwalker, Rat Heroes and Nycaloth in the Pledge Manager, but in case you missed them, here's what you can look forward to with the Kickstarter 2 Stretch Goals!

Gem Dragons - Emerald

We are still working on the Gem Dragon set, but we're quite happy with how these sketches are turning out!

Gem Dragons - Crystal (Sketch)

And lastly, a creature we would all gladly die for. A baby owlbear.

Baby Owlbear

That's all the news for now! We'll see you again soon with more updates. Until then, if you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us at [email protected]

Last Day: Skinny Mini Club Early-Bird! (plus New Art, Base Trade-ins, Binder Trade-ins, and More!)
over 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 25, 2021 at 02:52:44 PM

Last Day for Early Bird Subscriptions

Early Bird Pricing ends today, November 24! Don't miss your chance to get super low pricing on the new Skinny Minis Subscription Club. After the 24th, prices go up to $17.95/mo.

Click here to subscribe:

New Art: Assassin, Snakefolk Purebloods

Just rounding out the final additions to the Stretch Goals. If you didn't get the full Stretch Goals with your pledge or want more, these dangerous folks are included in the Kickstarter 2 Freebies set!

Well, hello there. KNIFE to meet you 🐍

Update: Base Trade-ins

Many of you have been asking for an update on the base trade-ins. Well, over a THOUSAND backers have already asked for base trade-ins, so we've had to set up a bit of a more substantial process to accommodate the number of requests. We've already started adding credit to the backers that have requested this trade-in, hopefully finishing off the first batch within the next day or two.

Once your credit has been added, we will send an email directly to you from [email protected] to notify you, so you don't have to keep refreshing your Pledge Manager.

And just to answer a question we've seen floating around a couple of places - the Base Trade-in is an all-or-nothing deal. We hope you can understand that since this is a manual system, it would be far too complex for us to handle partial trade-ins.

Now Available: Binder (and Binder Sheet) Trade-ins

We are now offering Ruby and Diamond tiers the option to trade in your Binder 2.0 and Binder Sheet 5-Packs for sets. 

  • Binder 2.0 (Red/Blue) can be exchanged for 4 additional sets
  • Binder Sheet 5-Packs can be for 1 set each. 

This means that Ruby backers who opt to trade-in their binders will get 8 additional sets, and Diamond backers will get 16 additional sets.

To trade-in your Binder / Binder Sheets log into BackerKit, and head to the Questions section. Ruby and Diamond backers will see the trade-in question there. 

Just like the base trade-in, we will be manually processing the additional credits. We'll add credit to your account and email you when we've been able to do so.

Like the base trade-in, this is an all-or-nothing trade-in. We hope this gives you folks some added flexibility in setting up your orders!

Happy Thanksgiving!

To all our US-based backers, we hope you have a happy, warm and hearty Thanksgiving tomorrow. Our team will be off the rest of the week, so bear with us if replies are slower than usual. 

To our Canadian backers, we wish you a (much belated) happy Thanksgiving as well. To everyone else, we wish you an excellent rest of the week!

Pledge Manager Now Open!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 03:26:38 AM

Pledge Manager Open!

The pledge manager is now open to everyone! You should receive an email from us shortly from BackerKit. Follow the link there and choose your sets, and any extra add-ons!

A couple things to keep in mind:


Skinny Minis need bases to stand on! Most tiers (Steel and above) include the free Starter Base Set. If those aren't enough, be sure to  order some as add-ons!

Base Trade-In

For  those who don't need more bases, we've set up a manual method to let  you trade in your free Starter Bases for Sets. You'll get a question  asking if you want to trade in your Starter Base set when you enter the pledge manager. We'll check answers once or twice a  week, and manually add credits to backers who want to trade-in their free Starter Base sets. 

One free Starter Base Set is equal to one set credit.


Speaking of credits, let's talk about how the Pledge Manager imports your Kickstarter pledges!

First  of all, the dollar amount of your pledge tier will be imported as a credit into the Pledge Manager. You then use that credit to select your  sets via the Add-on section. The Add-on section includes all sets, add-ons, stretch goals, survey sets etc. from the Kickstarter campaign.


Since shipping was not charged in the Kickstarter, we are charging it in the Pledge Manager. Each set you select will include a small amount to cover the shipping. When you select all the sets in your pledge tier (for example, 20 sets for Silver tier), you will see a total shipping amount that you owe. 

Your shipping will match the estimate we provided during the Kickstarter. For example, if you pledged at Silver, and live in the US, you'll see a $20 shipping charge. You will need to pay this shipping charge when you complete your check out.

Add-Ons & Tier Rewards

Any pledge tier rewards you qualify for (for example, XL Dragon Turtle) are automatically added to your cart with no shipping charges, since they come free with your pledge.

Any add-ons you purchased in Kickstarter during the campaign have been imported directly into your cart, and the appropriate shipping charges added as well. For some add-ons (like the Solo Digital Pack, Binder Sheets, and Binders), we  ask some questions after the Add-on section to identify which Pack /  Sheet / Binder you would like. 

Can we see all the art?

Yes, all the finalized art is visible in the pledge manager. If you have questions about anything you don't see there, please let us know. We'll be uploading art from the survey sets and other non-finalized sets in the near future.

I didn’t get the survey email. What do I do?

Double-check what e-mail you used to back the Kickstarter at the time of your pledge! That’s what gets pulled to BackerKit and where the survey will be sent to.

If you still don't see it, check your spam folder to make sure it wasn't removed from your primary inbox.

If you still can’t locate the survey and don’t receive it by November 18th, send a message to us at [email protected] and they’ll look into the issue further.

When will my card be charged?

Your card won't be charged for pledge upgrades or add-ons right away. You'll have time to select your sets, change them or add  more until the pledge manager is locked. We don't plan on locking the survey until after the end of the year. We'll follow up with the exact "pledge lock date" in the future, to make sure you have plenty of time to finalize your choices.

We will be leaving the pledge manager open until at least the end of the year. 

If you have questions about shipping, base trade-ins, or anything else, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected]

Pledge Manager Update - Smoke Test and Launch
over 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 04:07:57 AM

First things first -  if you missed the announcement - our Skinny Mini Subscription Club is now live! If you haven't joined the club yet, you can do that right here. Early bird pricing ends 11/24.

Pledge Manager - Smoke Test and Launch

We've sent out the traditional "smoke test" today. That's a process where we send a small percentage of you (about 5%), access to the pledge manager. The point of this is to make sure everything is running smoothly, and we haven't made any weird oversights.

If you got a pledge manager invitation today - congrats, you're in the smoke test! Please pick your sets and check out as usual. We'll review all the data, and if it's all looks shipshape we'll roll out the pledge manager to everyone else tomorrow.

Keep an eye on your inbox - you'll see an email from BackerKit asking you to complete the backer survey. That will direct you to the pledge manager. Once there you'll be able to select all your sets and add any additional sets or add-ons at your Kickstarter pricing!

Late Pledges

If you missed the Kickstarter, we'll be making late pledges available through our pledge manager. Late pledges will only be available while the pledge manager is open. Late backers will be able to pick any sets that were available during the Kickstarter, as if they had backed at the $1 "Pledge Manager Only" level. This is a great way for people who missed out due to timing or finances to participate in the campaign. 

Late backers don't qualify for any pledge level freebies or stretch goals, and will only be able to purchase their sets at the "Pledge Manager Only" pricing tier. 

As always - if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected]

Pledge Manager Update
over 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 12:25:36 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.